Saturday, May 5, 2007

So You Think You Can Dance?

So I had this dance performance for my swing dance class and let's just say it went south! We totally forgot the dance and just made up our own like no big deal. It was hilarious and we just hurried off the floor before making eye contact with anyone in the audience. It was actually fun, but don't put it past me to mess up a good dance.


Ashley -The Cutest Blog on the Block said...

HI Katie,

Ashley here. I'm the one you posted the comment on my blog wondering about the cute cursors. The website I used was so all you need to do is choose one and add an html to your blog with it. :)

Landvatter Family said...

Katie that is to dang cute. I didn't know you danced! You are always full of suprises! Call me so we can get together!

The Layman Family said...

Hey Kate-
I didn't know you were taking a dance class! how fun! And yes, I think you can dance! "You've got moves, I've never seen!"

Tyson Sieger said...

Uh-oh, what a time to forget your routine! I’m sorry that the dance performance didn’t go as expected. It’s great to know that you still had fun despite what happened. Well, that really happens, but what’s important is that we learn from our mistakes. I sure hope this hasn’t discouraged you from dancing and performing!

The Latest...

Recently, I packed up my Western self and moved out East to a little place called Virginia. My parents relocated out here about 2 years ago, so it was time I check out VA for myself. It is in the DC metro area, so we spend lots of fun time in the city or in the country. I am still working as a pediatric nurse and looking to maybe move towards the non-profit or political side of health care. I gained a new family member in the form of a Chinese exchange student named Donna, and I love being with my parents again. Life is good.