Sunday, July 4, 2010

girls camp

This is our little ward and we had a wonderful time in the woods of Virginia for Girls Camp.
Our theme was BE ALL YOU CAN BE.

Jessie, one of our YCL's, braided my hair a few times during the week so I could officially feel like I was at Girls Camp.
The girls were so enjoyable and we laughed the whole week. There is no replacement for Girls Camp.
Audrey and I were partners in crime as the camp directors of our ward. The joke of camp was that everyone thought that we were one of the girls. One day Audrey forgot she had to be at one of the meetings for the leaders and when she arrived late she said,
" Sorry, I keep forgetting that I'm not one of the girls."

Simply Stated: you're never too old to become younger.


Cheryl said...

How fun for you to be a leader! I love girls camp.
If you are in UT before you leave on the mission, we should meet up. Can't wait to hear where you are going!

Aymee said...

So glad it was you and not me, Sista!! Hallelujah!! You are definitely a better woman than myself. Glad to see some cute pictures and that the girls had a blast (because of you and Audrey I am sure)!

The Latest...

Recently, I packed up my Western self and moved out East to a little place called Virginia. My parents relocated out here about 2 years ago, so it was time I check out VA for myself. It is in the DC metro area, so we spend lots of fun time in the city or in the country. I am still working as a pediatric nurse and looking to maybe move towards the non-profit or political side of health care. I gained a new family member in the form of a Chinese exchange student named Donna, and I love being with my parents again. Life is good.