Wednesday, June 9, 2010

memorial day

Mom, Dad, and I went to Ohio for a quick trip over Memorial Day and we sure had a lot of fun with Lara, Matt, and the kids. Sam is getting so big now (almost a year!) but he has stranger danger with mom and I. He only likes his papa to hold him (tear-sniffle).

Grace is just like her mama with all her craftiness. She had me sit at the sewing machine so my long legs could reach the sewing pedal while she guided the fabric. We made the lovely polka-dot skirt and she made- all by herself- our matching scarves. During our time sewing, she asked me about the man I'm going to marry (I don't know why but she is quite interested on this matter and likes to talk about it often) and had this great idea that we wear our matching scarves on my wedding day! How wonderful! After that talk, she hopped right back on my lap and said, "I love you Katie. And every time we wear our scarves we will remember this day and how much fun we had together." She is my best little buddy.
Jack-Jack is as cool as ever. He just got this new little motor-cross bike that he can seriously cruise around on...even Papa enjoyed it for a spin around the yard.
My sis and her little man.
Simply Stated: Memorial Day is rightfully named...a day for making memories and scarves. 

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The Latest...

Recently, I packed up my Western self and moved out East to a little place called Virginia. My parents relocated out here about 2 years ago, so it was time I check out VA for myself. It is in the DC metro area, so we spend lots of fun time in the city or in the country. I am still working as a pediatric nurse and looking to maybe move towards the non-profit or political side of health care. I gained a new family member in the form of a Chinese exchange student named Donna, and I love being with my parents again. Life is good.