Sunday, January 31, 2010

Age Smage

A few funny stories lately relating to age:

Emergency Exit: So over Christmas my family was flying back from Arizona and we were sitting in the emergency exit row. The flight attendant came up to me and asked if I was old enough to sit there. She said, "You have to be 15 to sit here." Ha, she shaved a whole 9 years off my life. I mean, nice!

Dance Partner: Two weeks ago at a mutual activity for the youth in our ward, we were learning how to swing dance. I had to fill in as a dance partner because we didn't have enough girls to go around. So I was having fun getting to dance with all the boys because I still hadn't met all of them yet.  One deacon and I began to dance and I told him how good he was and then asked him how old he was and when he could be going to the stake dances to show off his moves. He said "I'm 13, how old are you?" I started to laugh and told him I was 24. He started to awkwardly laugh and seemed a bit surprised. I think they are all still very confused about me. Am I in college? Am I married? Ha, it was quite funny.

I have always been given a hard time about the age I am versus the age I look. The only time it's really been a problem is the times when I walk in a patient's room at the hospital and introduce myself. My patient's never fail to ask, "who is our nurse today? You?" And seem a little nervous that I look like someone who still watches "High School Musical". Oh, but wait, I do! 

Simply Stated: Here's to 24, the new 15!


Anonymous said...

ha! I sometimes still get things like that too, but not as often as I used to. It usually happened when I was buying white-out or something.

I also love the Robbie Burns night. Ha.

Ariana said...

umm...ok...sooo weird...I had just finished writing my blog about becoming old, and then I happened to see the update on your blog saying "Age Smage". So I took a look...and saw the ELDERLY PEOPLE photo. What is the coincidence that our blogs are both about aging!!?? I thought that was quite crazy and a little Twilight Zone-ish. Well, your post is more upbeat and talks about aging backwards. lol...I think I like your post better :P

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Brett and Rachel said...

Ahh! This happens to me ALL the time! Hate it! I had a post about it awhile ago. Two times in one night. I was horrified!

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Melissa said...

Ha! So funny! That little deacon was prob looking forward to asking you to dance at the stake dance:) I guess you and Craig are in the same boat about looking young because that always happens to him - when I was being wheeled in to have Ruthie, the nurse told Craig he didn't look old enough to be a Dad an told him he looked like he was 18...I guess that's better than the usual 16 years old he usually gets! Looks like I will just be his old maid as he continues to look like he's in high school... love ya!

The Latest...

Recently, I packed up my Western self and moved out East to a little place called Virginia. My parents relocated out here about 2 years ago, so it was time I check out VA for myself. It is in the DC metro area, so we spend lots of fun time in the city or in the country. I am still working as a pediatric nurse and looking to maybe move towards the non-profit or political side of health care. I gained a new family member in the form of a Chinese exchange student named Donna, and I love being with my parents again. Life is good.