Sunday, January 31, 2010

Notes on Nursing

I hope you're enjoying all my posts lately. I have had the stomach flu and don't feel like getting too far from my bed, so I thought I would take the chance and update some things I've been up to lately since I use this as kind of a semi-journal (yes, I am so terrible at keeping a real one). I like to write down the funny stories that happen at work because they are so classic. I hope you don't mind all the stories.

Story #1: I took this cute little 6 year-old black boy (I like to describe them because it helps me remember the situation) back to a patient room to take his vitals before seeing the doctor. I asked his mom, "Does he have any allergies?" He then replied quite seriously, "Yes, I'm allergic to Lama beans!" I said, "Oh really? Lama beans!" His mom said, "No you're not." And then he said, "We they sure smell awful!".... I must say, I've never tasted a "lama" bean.

Story #2: I was, once again, taking the vitals of a 6 year-old, round face, chubby little Asian boy wearing his karate uniform. He struck me as so cute because you usually don't come across overweight Asians and plus, he was so polite to his dad.  While I was taking his blood pressure, he looked at his dad in all seriousness and said, "Dad, while I was at karate today I tried really hard to do a sit up like the other kids." His dad then said, "Yes, you keep trying hard." And he replied, "Oh, I will. One day I'm going to be able to do one."....Working with kids really has it's benefits.

Story #3: This is one from a while back when I was working on the medical/surgical unit of the hospital in Utah. I cam across it and thought it was so funny and I can't believe I'd forgotten it.        So I had this patient who was this older, very big, bed-ridden woman. She had quite the fiery personality.  She also didn't believe in using the call light to ask for my help since she figured her voice was loud enough to just yell for me down the hall if she needed me. I was sitting and charting at the nurse's station and I hear, "Nurse! Nurse! I need you!" So, I run down the hall, thinking something terrible has gone on for her to yell for my help, and found her sitting fine in her bed. 
She then said "I need a razor!" 
Me: "What for?" (we aren't allowed to leave razors in the rooms of patients who are a little unstable for fear of hurting themselves or others)
Patient: "I need to shave my chin!"
Me: (A little confused) "What for?"
Patient: "I have wiskers on my chin and i need to shave them now!" At this point she started to pound her fist on the table with every syllable. She was not messin around about the wiskers.
Me: "I'm sorry, I can't give you a razor."
Patient: "I need it NOW!" and she started to get out of bed and come at me. Holy cow, I was just a little scared. And then all the other nurses came running in to see if I needed help. She just kept yelling, "Shave my chin!"
Now I was not about to shave her chin after our little incident, besides, I had never even shaved a man's face before. So luckily one of the sweet CNA's offered to do it and we had peace and quiet the rest of the day.

Simply stated: The joys of nursing... It may be one of the few professions where you feel you need to wash your hands before going to the bathroom.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. The chin shaving wins. Wowee...

Ariana said...

ok, wow! first of all..cute picture! i can't believe that little kid fell asleep like that. second of all, I should have become a nurse! with stories like those (even the crazy ones) it sure makes life interesting and work fun to go to...

Megan said...

hahahah ok this is seriously hilarious. you have such a fun job!!!!!

Westphal Family said...

Hey Katie!!! I haven't talk to you in so long. This is Amber Fleckner from Timpanogos Hospital. I had my little baby girl three months ago. I have a blog: Go to my blog and see my cute little girl. I miss you. Sounds like you are doing well and enjoying your job. You look great.

shay said...

Oh my rou!! Remeber my little incident on the phone!! haha..classic and unforgetable!! Oh man I miss your guts!! The good ol ..days!! love you tons! and miss ya tons!!

Dalton Boley said...

So first things first the Asian kid and the chin are awesome ha totally made my day. Secondly ha no i'm not a total creeper even tho i have no idea who you are ha i just clicked the next blog button at the top of the page and it brought yours up s I read it and i saw a few key words such as ward and BYU and it was funny i've come across more random blogs clicking the next button than i've met in my military career and i'm from Alpine Ut. just north of BYU

SO long story short i like your blog it was fun to read and it made my day.


Dalton Boley said...

Thank you for the compliment its truly appreciated. It's a small world where you mention Alpine and seeing over the valley we'd always head up into the foothills with trucks loaded down with people and firewood and have bonfires with Utah County as our backdrop, good times. I have found a rather good way to "find a piece of home" over here, i'm writing short stories about my many near death or just fun experiences i've had throughout the years.

Edwards is from somewhere down in Southern Arkansas not sure of a town or anything but i know its Arkansas

Dave Sargeant said...

Memories of the snow may melt away in time- your great pics will not. As with Dalton just clicked the next blog button. Mine is called 'Beauties of creation. Dave.

Sunhitra said...

Dear white girl, Please consider leaving off the races of the kids/people in your care. It has nothing to do with the story and only makes it seem like that is something coming between you and your patients: i.e., they are not like you so you use that to "describe" them. "The Asian kid, the black kid.. etc." Not very PC or sensitive in my opinion. Thanks, white girl.
(see what I mean? -- it just doesn't sound right)

The Latest...

Recently, I packed up my Western self and moved out East to a little place called Virginia. My parents relocated out here about 2 years ago, so it was time I check out VA for myself. It is in the DC metro area, so we spend lots of fun time in the city or in the country. I am still working as a pediatric nurse and looking to maybe move towards the non-profit or political side of health care. I gained a new family member in the form of a Chinese exchange student named Donna, and I love being with my parents again. Life is good.